Saturday, October 15, 2011

shake it out

whenever i try to do anything productive, i unfortunately have the strongest urge to suddenly get my life together (make grocery lists, check Facebook, respond to emails, look at my calendar...) and avoid doing the task at hand. this blog post will be my procrastination buffer, so that i don't completely get out of the zone if i need a 30 second break. that said, i hope to build up the writer/student's endurance much like a runner would. one day i will hopefully be able to continue working without the need for any distractions due to lack of motivation.

i wrote that twenty minutes ago and have since checked twitter twice. i don't even go on twitter often. i'm going to have to start putting a rubber band on my wrist or something and snap it when my productivity wanes.

this is my solemn promise to be a more motivated student. in honor of friere, my education will be a product of my own interaction with what i'm doing. if i'm not going to put my full focus into it, my grades and the knowledge i will take away from each assignment will be representative of that.

1 comment:

  1. Katie,

    I find distractions also to be necessary. Facebook, twitter, etc. are always there; however, the thing to remind yourself of is that they don't mind waiting for you to look at them.

    The tendency to want to "get your life together" can be a positive thing. For me, it involves looking ahead and trying to think about how I'm going to get stuff done.

    Anyway, good luck!
